At Tandem Care Inc., our clients have the rights and responsibilities described below


  1. Considerate and respectful care at all times and under all circumstances with recognition of each patient’s right to have their cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, and personal values, beliefs, and preferences respected;

  2. Be free from mental, sexual, physical, and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation;

  3. Receive service without regard to race, color, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual orientation, identity or expression, creed, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law;

  4. Be spoken or communicated to in a manner or language they can understand;

  5. Receive reasonable notice of any changes in their service within an agreed-upon amount of time before the changes take place;

  6. Make suggestions or complaints or present grievances to the Company without fear of the threat of retaliation;

  7. Receive a prompt response, through an established complaint or grievance procedure, to any complaints, suggestions, or grievances they may have;

  8. Be informed, within a reasonable amount of time, of the Company’s plans to terminate the care or service and their intention to transfer their care to another agency;


  1. Receive treatment, care, and services that are adequate, appropriate, and in compliance with state, federal, and local regulations

  2. Be cared for by qualified, competent, and trained personnel;


  1. Participate in the development of their care plan and decisions on services to be implemented or treatment to be given;

  2. Receive written information on the care plan, including the names of the Care Aide(s) and Supervisor assigned and the Company’s phone number;


  1. To be informed of the cost of services and to be informed of all changes in services, procedures, and fees as they occur;


  1. Personal privacy and confidentiality regarding their health, social, and financial circumstances and what takes place in their homes, in accordance with laws and Agency policies;

  2.  Have full access to the care records maintained by the Company; and

  3.  Receive confidential treatment of their personal and health records.


  1. Maintain a home environment free of health and safety hazards;

  2. Treat Tandem’s staff with respect; free of exploitation, abuse, discrimination, or harassment;

  3. Provide Tandem with all necessary, complete, and accurate information related to your health and the services provided by Tandem;

  4. Participate in the development of the plan of care and follow the plan of care once it has been established;

  5. Inform Tandem promptly of any questions or concerns about your services and request further explanation on anything that is not understood;

  6. Notify Tandem of any changes in your health status, condition, or treatment;

  7. Notify Tandem if the client will not be home for a scheduled visit and contact Tandem to request changes to a client’s schedule;

  8. Make arrangements to see the client’s physician or other health care professionals at appropriate intervals;

  9. Develop and maintain a backup plan in the event circumstances make Tandem’s services are unavailable, such as inclement weather, health epidemics, and staff shortages; and

  10. Refrain from offering gifts, tips, or donations to Tandem staff.

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